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Privacy Policy & Terms of Use
It is our top priority to protect your privacy and your information. Our products are designed so as to maintain the security and confidentiality of any and all information that is provided by you. Total data integrity is ensured. While transmission of information from your PC to our servers we utilize specific data encrypting tools so that none of the information is lost or disseminated.

Techsoft at any time is empowered to change this policy as per specific industry related updates and amendments in Federal Laws. We will keep you abreast of those changes so that you are well informed regarding how we store and use the information database. A regular check on the policy is recommended.

It is an understatement that the customer or visitor access to all our products including this website is subject to all applicable international, federal, state and local laws and regulations.

For any queries or concerns about our privacy policy, you may send an e-mail to: policy@mdrythm.com or contact our Legal Department at:

3111 Route 38, Suite 11-140
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances will Techsoft be liable to the software user or any other person for any damages arising out of unavoidable consequences, natural disasters or any other incidental damages arising out of or relating to the use of software as per user agreement or any information agreed to be used with the product or service furnished under this agreement.


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